Feeling Excited and at Ease

My mind has been churning and debating for several weeks now about the snow situation that covers the PCT this year. The plan months ago was to get back on trail where I got off last year at mile 1,090 in South Lake Tahoe. But Mother Nature had other plans. She decided to dump tens of feet on tens of feet of snow on many sections of the PCT that are usually not an issue. Not only is there lots of snow out there this year, but several place on trail keep getting snow, even blizzards.


This had been causing me lots of stress about where to get back on trail. I’d be getting back out there, alone (I always go solo), without trail legs, and in uncertain trail terrain and I wasn’t feeling great about it. Having been so excited to get back to a life I truly love living, even though it kicks my ass up and down mountains, I have missed it more than I can say ever since getting off last July.

So yesterday, after debating for weeks and talking to a trail friend (AK) I met last year, I made a new plan, got a one-way plane ticket and now it’s official! I’ll be leaving Taylorsville on June 13th and flying out to LA. I’ll meet AK there, stay the night with him and the next morning we leave with a friend of his for a road trip to Sierra City at mile 1,195.4. We’ll stop along the way for a night in Bishop or Mammoth on the 14th, continue towards Sierra City (or Chester) before staying the night of the 15th and getting back on trail on the morning of Sunday, June 16th! I’ve always started a thru-hike on a Sunday so this for me was a no brainer. Got a friend to hike with, check! Got to start on a Sunday, check! Got a tramily member who won’t already have trail legs and leave me as soon as I start, check! Have someone to make possibly hard decisions with, check!

I’m so very excited and finally at ease with my decision to get back out on trail and (hopefully) make it to Canada this year! With all the stress over making the right choice of where and when to start back this year, I might just end up being in even better shape with my decision to push it back a week and start a bit farther up trail. Time will tell and I’m excited about the adventure that awaits me this year.

After getting off trail last year, and working pretty much non-stop to save for another grand multi-month adventure, I also upgraded some of my gear:

I ditched my SPOT and got an Garmin InReach Mini. It’s a light 3.5oz compact satellite communicator that has two way messaging for when my phone doesn’t work. Its also got an “Ok” button that I’ll link up to my social media so you can keep track of me if you want to. I usually hit it when I get to my camp every night. It’s got an “SOS” button if shit gets real and I find myself in need of help. So I’m happy about that upgrade and feel better knowing it makes Madre feel better too.

My Big Agnes Fly Creek 1P UL tent served me well for my YoYo on the MST and many miles last year on the PCT, but I retired it to overnights and small camping trips and upgraded to the Nemo 2P UL Hornet Elite. It’s got more room (2P = two person) and it’s lighter than my Big A 1P. I’ve already gotten it to use it a few times and I can tell, it was a smart upgrade. 

For the most part, I’ll have the same gear, same clothes and same goal… make it to Canada. That’s my plan for now. I know they’ll change along the way here and there but I’m really happy with how my plans have started. Thanks in advance to everyone who’s already sent messages and well wishes my way. I’ll try to keep everyone updated along the way. And, as usual, be on the lookout for pictures on my Instagram and Facebook accounts. I do better keeping up with those. I’ll try to blog on here when I can and keep you in the loop about life back on the PCT in 2019!

Instagram: kbrookshire

So for the next 8 days I’ll be visiting friends and getting in as much Sundrop and good food as I can to prepare for my departure from “real life” before I get back to trail life and a place where I feel that I belong. Much love to you all!

xo, Legs

9 thoughts on “Feeling Excited and at Ease

  1. I love you and just want you to be careful get rest and please be safe,glad you are not going to be by yourself. Looking forward to reading you post,love you


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